
Given the fact that sending a paper for a conference and then a fuller version for the journal in the academic world is quite feasible,this opportunity has been provided for the participants of this conference. 

Dear authors who are interested in publishing articles in internationally recognized scientific journals and magazines with SCOPUS,ISI indexes,can send their article to the conference,and according to the process that will be announced one week to the conference,take action to publish  their article.
Sponsored Journals :

1- international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation Scopus

2- International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking- WOS

3- International Journal Of Grid And Distributed Computing- WOS

4- Journal of critical reviews- Scopus

5- International Journal Of Advanced Science And Technology-Scopus 

6-International Journal of Control and Automation-Scopus

7- Journal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems(JARDCS)-Scopus